Finally the other day I made myself put all my UFOs in my knitting basket and put down my knitting for a few days. I think it helped somewhat, as I don't feel quite so frustrated when I pick up my needles.
With the knitting hiatus, I don't have a whole lot to show for my efforts lately. I have, however, been knitting on my Maplewing Shawl. I haven't gotten a whole lot done though...only completed to row 14 out of a few hundred...gulp! I just can't seem to focus, but I'm hoping with some upcoming travel over the next few weeks that I'll break out of my rut and get back into my knitting groove!
Here's my progress so far...of course it looks like nothing more than a jumbled ruffle all crammed on that circular needle, but I assure you that it's turning out beautifully. I love the stitch definition of the Malabrigo Sock and it's so soft and squishy. I'm hoping to have the shawl done by Christmas, but with all the other things I want to get done by then and my current knitting state of mind, we'll see...